what is a Snowblower and what does it do?
I once called it a Snowthrower in front of my friend and he called me "OLDSKOOL" and said if i was a new skooler like him, i would have called it a Snowblower.
So if your still in the league of old-skoolers, i advise you hop on the train of new-skoolers.
A Snowblower is a machine designed specifically to remove snow from the driveways, sidewalks, roadways, railroad tracks and even runways. Some of them are electrically powered, while some are gasoline or diesel engine powered. to throw snow to another location or into a truck to be hauled away.
Snowblowers come in different sizes and varieties ranging from the very small, capable of removing only a few inches of snow, to the very large ones, mounted on heavy duty winter vehicles and capable of moving up to 10 feet wide, swaths of heavy snow that is at least 6 feet deep. They can basically be divided into two categories: The Single stage and Two stage.
For a Single-stage snowblower, they use a high-speed rotating fan to move the snow into the machine and send it out through the discharge chute. The fan is designed in the form of two or more curved plastic paddles that move snow towards the centerline of the machine where the discharge chute is located.
Single-stage snow throwers are light duty machines. They are small electric machines can actually be picked up to chew away deep snow banks one layer at a time.
A two-Stage Snowblower has one or more low-speed metal augers that break up the snow and move it into a separate high-speed rotating fan. The fan sends the snow out the discharge chute with considerable force. Two-stage snow throwers comes in different rages in power from a few horsepower to very large machines powered by diesel engines of over 1000 horsepower (746 kW). And that is a lot of power.
They have been used to clear roadways and airport runways. They are capable of removing large chunks of snow quickly. Most Snowblowers are typically two-stage machines, as you will find just a few that are one-staged.
Two-stage machines for home use are usually self-propelled, using either large wheels equipped with tire chains or, in some cases even tracks. In this case the auger drive is usually equipped with a shear pin. If a jam happen to occurs in the auger, this pin will break. This design prevents damage to the auger drive gears. In the event of a pin break, the machine can be used again, by just changing the pin.
Knowing the different types would go a long way in deciding on which you should buy, so take your time.
shop for snowblowers at Amazon
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